笑ったり、泣いたり、怒ったり、喜び、愛する。。そんな感謝の日々を綴ります。 Laughing, crying, angry, happy, love... Writing about the days I'm grateful for.
It's tooooooo hot!!
Woke up in the middle of the night these nights.
Today for sure. In the morning after took a shower, what I did was....
I cut my trademark long hair by myself.
Whuuuuuuuuu!! Feel refreshed! Here is a horror shot.
気に入った美容室が。。。 今一番好きな店はコロラドにある。 遠いなぁ
I have somewhere to go with my hair tied-up next week so cut off by tie-length for now.
After that, should I go to hair salon... maybe...
But now, my favorite hair salon is in Colorado.... uuuummmm it's so far....
ラベル: Thinking
A melody stacking in my head these days, I don't know why.
ヘェ~~イ ヘイヘイ へ~~イ ヘイ
(へェーイ ヘイヘイ ヘーーイ ヘイ)
ヘェ~~イ ヘイヘイ へ~~イ ヘイ
(へェーイ ヘイヘイ ヘーーイ ヘイ)
ヘイ! ヘイ! ヘイ! ギャオォォォ~~ウ (ワーーオ)
Hey hey hey hey ~~hey!
'Hey hey hey hey ~~hey! '
Hey hey hey hey ~~hey!
'Hey hey hey hey ~~hey! '
Hey! Hey? Hey ! Gyaoooooooowwwww! (wowhhh)
はい、こちらの方達です。Finger 5。
Yes, that is them (Finger 5) .
Quite old Japanese pop music group. They were so popular in 1970-80. Actually I was a baby that time. No doubt.
「ヘェ~~イ ヘイヘイ へ~~イ ヘェ~~~イ♪」
I sang that song with crazy high-tension and give my hand microphone toward to my husband..
'Hey hey hey hey ~~♪'
Of-course there is no-response. So I just continue to sing the song myself. Because he doesn't know the song.
Such times, I feel difference of the culture for us even though we grew up during the same time.
Of course there are many of good things, too, each other.
He can half-listen or ignore such wife's strange behavior.
ラベル: Thinking
A bead necklace I got a long time ago. I like it, but don't have so many chances to wear and don't know why but had it sit in a cabinet for long time. That's a waste.
というわけで、思い切ってmi-scendo の星野美加さんにリフォームの相談してみました。 天然石と合わせて、私が好きそうに・・・等々。ようするにおまかせです。
So I decided to ask to Ms. Mika Hoshino (mi-scendo) to reform. Maybe it will adjusted by her with some natural stones in a way she thinks I might like...etc. Yes, I'll just leave to her. Yes I'm that kind of customer.ですが、私のアクセサリーは半分以上美加さんの作品をなので、好みもわかってもらえている&彼女のセンスには安心しておまかせしてしまいます。
Although half of my accessories are her works, she knows my favorite and I like her taste so I can trust her to create one for me.
Her accessories are individual, simple, yet elegant. Although it fits me perfect because I don't have interest to wear expensive jewelery. They (natural stone accessories) are heavy rotated items since I always carry one or two of them in my bag since can match with any type of dress like business suits or casual wear, so sometimes I switch them depending on the place.
mi-scendo 美佳さんのアクセサリー新作とリフォームの相談はシェイ・ケイコでもできるんですよ。→ココ
You can check the new works and ordering reformation at Chez Keiko →Here
やっぱり。 大大大満足以上です! 長さを調節して、短くする時は半分をブレスレッドにもできるそう♪
持っている服にも合わせやすくなりました~~☆ ウレシ。やっぱりMeって女子~~☆
Taraaaaaan!! voila~~!! This is after reformed.
I knew it!! More than loooooooove it!! It is able to adjust the length so half part can be a bracelet♪ It becomes nice fit with dresses which I already have. Ummmmm I am a girl you know☆
ラベル: Chez Keiko, Shop
My friend Sato-chan in South Africa sent me e-mail 'Are you fine?' after he saw my blog post. He is an encouraging friend. He seems like a cool guy or good looking adventurer??(sorry! haha) but, actually he is an enthusiastic(energetic) sober, thoughtful man.
We can write stifling long e-mail and hold conversation each other at stifling summer day. I feel thankful for today's kind of fellow.
So, seems like Sato-chan (Masami Satou) held a volunteer project event at Chino in Limpopo Province in South Africa. (He has been sent to South Africa as a JOCV:Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers). The event was wishing to be a bridge to the future by delivering toys from Japanese school kids in South Africa to children in day-care centers on-site, and hold the science show with other JOCV's who teach science and mathematics together.
やるじゃん。Wow!! Good job!
写真、子供たちの表情もいい。I like pictures, too. Good children faces.
Here is the article about the event.
ラベル: Friends
実家のギャラリー シェイ・ケイコでは24日より「川俣 征 陶塑展」―ピエロたちのメルヘンの世界―が始まりました。
My mum's art gallery Chez Keiko has started the exhibition 'Isao Kawamata ceramic Pierrot exhibition - Pierrot's fairy tale world. ' from 24th of July.
Mr. Kawamata is a popular artist with ceramic Hina dolls. I was wondering how the works will be. It is unpredictable until the installation date since this time is the first time in a long while (some years). Love it? or scary Pierrot clown?...haha.
でも、さすが川俣さん、期待以上。みごとに「やられた!!」という感じです。 以前から、他の陶芸家さんより、川俣さんの技術はすごいですよ・・(簡単にできるものではない)と伺ってはいたのですが、私はデザイン性の高いところも好きなところです。
But!!! Only he could do that! It was more than expected. I felt ' He got it!' great!. I have heard from a pottery artist who is a friend of mine that Mr. Kawamata has great skill. (It is not simple technique he uses.) Although I like his design, too. I can see carefulness of creation and individuality (design sense) for each doll with all of their facial expressions, costumes and back scenes.
They are atmospheric display with books.
「あら、このピエロは若くて、まだ無邪気さが残る駆け出しのピエロね!」や、「きっとこのピエロは帽子を忘れてきちゃったおっちょこちょいだわ」等々。 その言葉に対し、またピエロがおどけた表情を返しているようでした。
There are many customer from the first day. I enjoyed their comments.
'Wao, this Pierrot is still young and must be a fledgling Pierrot! because he has an innocence. '
'May be he is a goosey Pierrot! Because he forget to have a hat! ..etc. I felt like Pierrots are smiling back to them with a droll smile.
A part of message on the flyer says that 'Pierrots cover their own real emotion and give laughs to the people. We'd like to have the help of Pierrot at such a time.
By chance, I thought 'Yah,,,Pierrot are kind. So please see them and have laughs and chin-up! It is fun to see and compare each of their faces and costumes.川俣 征 陶塑展 カワマタイサオ トウソテン
Isao Kawamata ceramic Pierrot doll exhibition
- Pierrot's Fairy Tale World-
24th -31st of July 2011
at Chez Keiko
ラベル: Chez Keiko
The raw corn soup the other day.
It was yummy but, I haven't tried eating the corn directly.
I tried it.
やっぱり、甘くて ’うみゃあ~よ’ (フランキー堺の赤かぶ検事風に)
Mmmm~♪ sweet! 'yum yum'!!
This is good.
Corn needs to be fresh. I heard that for the most part corn nutrition is made with glyconutrients and changes to a starch after gathered. Although boiling makes the same change, from glyconutrient and change to a starch (carbohydrate). So, it is better to get fresh corn from farmer directly.
Non-boil fuss-free and non-fire heat.... Eco☆
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
We are released from the awful summer heat since yesterday!!!
Yes!!!!! Naturally glad!!!!
Usually we don't use air-conditioning in our house.
I'm being fighting with sweltering hell nights, it is like to say...Is this a game "Hang In There!!!" ? or trying 'patient ego '?
So I'm so happy now.
I'll enjoy this temporary releasing time.
ラベル: Thinking
言ってみるもんだな。。笑 心配かけちゃったけど、今はみなさんの言葉でとても元気がでて、勇気をもらいました。
Perhaps as because I posted which shows my weaknesses the other day, I got some encouragement words or e-mails from friends and people who I respect. It was good even though I worried them (sorry!) but I got cheered up and made up mind by their words.
What I felt and thinking deeply now is....
Being diligently face to what you think is right, every day try to being the best, there is nothing in vain.
Learn from adversity and thrive on.
A friend told me
It is important that friends help you face foreword (positive), you have many such friends and family.
I deeply agreed with it.
I look tough on the outside but am weak, and seem weak but have strong spirit. haha
Thanks. Deeply grateful for everything.☆
ラベル: Thinking
We want to eat !! Even during these hoooooot days... so how about cold corn soup!
Also this is a raw food recipe.
材料 ingredients
・とうもろこし 3本 of corn
・水にもどしたカシューナッツ 70g of raw cashew nut
・生アーモンド 30g 30g of raw almond
・セロリ 10cm of celery
・赤パプリカ 1/2個 of red bell pepper
・玉ねぎ 1/2個 of onion
・干ししいたけ 3個 dried shiitake mushroom
・もどし汁 200cc shiitake soaking liquid
・ナツメグ 少々 pinch of nutmeg
・味噌 小さじ1/2 teaspoon of miso paste
・塩 少々 pinch of salt
・にんにく 少々 pinch of grind garlic
・胡椒 適量 black peppers
Chop celery, onion, red bell pepper, half amount of corn and soaked shiitake mushroom.
2・ミキサーに、とうもろこし半量、一晩水にもどした生カシューナッツと生アーモンド、しいたけのもどし 汁、味噌、にんにく、ナツメグをかけてクリーム状にする
Put other corn, one-night soaked raw cashew nut and raw almond, shiitake soaking liquid, miso paste, garlic and nutmeg in a mixer. Make cream.
3.1と2をまぜて、塩、胡椒で味をととのえてできあがり 冷蔵庫で冷やしたり、氷をいれて冷やしてOK!
Mix process 1 and 2 then then salt and pepper to taste. Good to cool in the refrigerator or add some ice cubes.
You can use raw cashew nut instead of raw almond.
Naturally tasting corn!!! it is sweet and cool.☆
ラベル: vegetarian cooking
There were something depressing for me today.
I was considering about this for a while but I needed to draw a clear line for myself.
When I tried to make a phone call to my dad to tell him about it, it crossed my mind that....
This time also, why am I waiting of his words for me, even telling him that about making him worry about me.
He always gives me some words when I am down. It is always just one word, but it is deep and some encouragement for me.
But,,,,have I ever been able to give him some encouragement words when he got some problem?
I'm always preoccupied with myself... I know it is a mistake.
ラベル: Thinking
Today was a holiday, I turned on the TV for the first time in a long time.
Usually we don't turn on the TV, which we got from a friend.
Mostly we use the TV when we watch movie recorded from TV program...We check news on internet.
What is this ?? that sign on screen.
アナログ放送終了まであと11日 チーン・・
It says ' 11days left for analog broadcasting'.
After 2011, when analog broadcasting is completely finished, no one without a digital television tuner will be able to watch TV programs.
I forgot..
Are we being left behind?.
ラベル: Thinking
2011年3月11日 あの大地震から4カ月。
It has been 4 months since the earthquake 11th of March.2011.
That day, the cabinet fell down in our house and 80% of the dishes broke. →Here
Since the dishes were important for me, I was depressed a lot even though it could have been a lot worse if compared to the damage in serious disaster area. I collected them little by little for a long while.好きな作家さんのもの
Made by my favorite artist
Bought by saved money from part-time job when I was a student.
Brought back as my memory from abroad when I visited a friend.旦那さまが日本にきて最初に買ったどんぶり(シリアル用)。
A bowl which my husband used for eating cereal since when he came to Japan.
One which I got as present.割れてしまった器の破片をそのまま捨てる気になれませんでした。
I just didn't want to throw away those broken dishes. So, then I decided to make a kitchen-wagon during brief breaks in my schedule. It is made from fragments as tiles.
There are bumpy surfaces because of different thickness and curves.... I say as an excuse.. Because of my flava? I made with the attitude 'Let's just do it!' Shoddy...so I knew it would be clumsy to use. mmm About this style, my husband says 'You are like your mum..haha'
But I start to feel affection for the wagon while making it and glad that I reused the dishes! Also now, I have another new memory that when I lost most of my dishes at the earthquake, after next week, a friend Kana-san brought some of her dishes for me and said 'You can use them'.
Each dishes
Each memory
Each taste
ラベル: Thinking
The other day, I went to ’Oishii-kai (means 'Delicious Party') presented by Hiromi Adachi. Nature cook Hiromi Adachi makes delicious, human and earth-friendly cooking with organic ingredients.そんなあだちさんが、各会ごとに各作家さんの器とコラボレーションしてお食事を出してくれる、素晴らしい会。今回私はOTA GLASS STUDIO 太田さん、五十畑さんの器を使ってのおいしい会に出席。
The party is a great idea, held in collaboration each time with each artist's dishes used to serve Hiromi's cooking. This time I attended the party which was held using dishes made by Mr. Ota and Ms. Isohata from OTA GLASS STUDIO. The party was made by people who make dishes, people who make food on the dishes and people who make smiles with the dishes and cooking. Actually I was a smilist.
Ms. Adachi serves 'Cold tomato soup' as an aperitif
塩汁の十割そば 素敵なガラス器とぴったり。塩汁のお蕎麦、初めてでしたが上品な味。彩もキレイ。
Soba with salt soup matches with beautiful glass bowl. It was first time to try salt soup for me. It had a sophisticated flavor with pretty-color.その他スイーツ三昧 Delicious sweets
Green-tea with soybean flour tart.
Bean paste truffle
Sesame cookie
Potato Cake salé
Japanese amazake icecream
The theme is light-food and sweets!
あっ、食べ物だけじゃありませんよ!! 黄色の器、気に入り購入。。
Oh! I wasn't just eating... I got yellow glass dish because I liked it.
Although I could talk to the artist Mr Ota. Actually I query him about many things (it may be caused by my profession?) but he answers me so kindly.
Very Oishii! party
I appreciated meeting wonderful lady Adachi-san, Thanks.
ラベル: Friends
宇都宮に新しいオサレ♪カフェOVAL COFFEE!が登場しました!!
There is a new cool cafe in Utsunomiya City called OVAL COFFEE!開店日に早速。だって「こぐまの会」のメンバーがOPENしたんですもの♪
I visited there on the opening day because one of the members of 'Koguma-no-kai' (my friends from high school) has opened and she made a dream come true since she was saying that it was her dream. She is smart, cute, and has a gentle soul....my secret idol.
The hall space is just like her, simple and shines with her taste with comforting music and the aroma of coffee. I'm sure that you can enjoy the atmosphere.
I'll give my one vote...Actually, 100 votes of my encouragement!!OVAL COFFEE (オーヴァルコーヒー)
栃木県宇都宮市操町9-19 福田ビル1F
Tochigi-pre Utsunomiya-city Misao-cho 9-19 Fukuda.Bld.1F
Map→Here 宇都宮女子高近く
OPEN 10:00~20:00
木曜日・第3水曜 定休 Closed Thur and 3rd Wed
TEL 028-614-3085
こぐまの会からの贈りものオリーブの木。こぐまの会番長!サッチャン特製OVAL COFFEEサインが付いています。時計は後日届けるね☆
Tonight is Tanabata. And Thursday Night Fever!!!
Come and see Orihime-Asuco !! haha♪ ☆The new menu since last time, Waka's home-made ginger ale. Why don't you try it!!
ラベル: Art
今夜はヨガ。 少し休んでしまったので、身体を延ばすためにも・・・。
I went to yoga tonight. I missed for days so I needed it even for stretching.
Yoga is quality time for me. It is time for connections, treatment, looking inside and forgiving my self.
Essentially, it should be concentrated while doing yoga, but so many things go through my mind since my practice is not enough?
What experienced reentry, talk and feel... There are many emotions. But finally the feeling strangely became much more peaceful mind. I think that is because the body and the mind get linked.
そして許しの時間。周りの環境、そして自分自身を許すことができる。 忙しい自分、落ち込む自分、環境のせいにしてしまう自分。焦っている自分。
Also the time of forgiveness. For Surroundings, and my self. Having busy days, feeling blue, blame surroundings. mentally on the run my self. So I can accept and forgive my self.
That is one of the reasons why I do yoga.
ラベル: Yoga
早起きして向かったのは、益子のヒジノワ コミュニティカフェ 日曜担当は早朝カフェをやっているSun High Dinerです。アメリカ人の方がやっているそうです。
That morning, I went to community cafe Hijinowa in Mashiko for the Sunday 'Sun High Diner' An American guy runs the Sunday cafe.
そう、店も朝からOPENしているところが多い。そうすると朝ちょっと会ってちょっとお喋りしたり、またはミーティング?したり、もちろん一人で朝の気持ちよい時間を過ご すのもよい。そうすると昼や午後からはまた違うことをしたり、休日の時間も有効に使えるのです。
そんな朝から入れるカフェがあったらいいな~~と常々思っていたのです。When I went to US. Sometimes we had promise with friends 'See on Sunday morning at ----cafe'! In Japan, when we have promise with friends, it is mostly 'Lunch or afternoon, other wise will be 'dinner'. So there is another choice in American style? I like it.
So, many restaurants or cafes are open from in the morning. People can chat or meet or have good relaxing time alone. Then people can make good use of own time for other things from lunch or after that. So I wish to find such cafes which are open from the morning.
とってもリラックスで気に入りました!自家製ベリージャムのヨーグルト、スコーン?グリーンピースのスープにたっぷりカフェオレでなんと500円!。 伊藤さんのスリップウェアのカップが気に入りました。
This time I went with my friend, chatted about the plan for where to go that day or where to go on a trip. Otherwise reading our own books. That was a nice time. 500yen! for yogurt with homemade berry jam, scorn, green pea soup and cafe au lai. I like the cup! too.
The early bird catches the worm.
いや~~~気持ちいい!!! 夜の熱帯夜から解放された朝は涼しくて、爽やかだった。
For a long while, since changing my job, I usually wake up late.
But, the other day, I tried to wake up early in the morning. That felt so good! The morning was refreshing because released from hot sweltering night and was nice and cool.
Such a refreshing morning makes me feel I want to have cold white wine!!
umm......? Something wrong??
ラベル: Thinking
I am burning for something recently.
I am scared to be failure since being fired up.
Although enjoying such times because of burning inside of me.
There is no step forward if you scared to make mistakes.
So keep burning
People can try anything if it doesn't cause trouble for others.
ラベル: Thinking
When I visited my parents' house in the countryside last time, I stopped by a farmers market which is my favorite place.真っ先に手にとってみたのは’青唐辛子’と’山椒の実’。 季節もの。ウフフ。
そしてユリちゃんの実家から頂いたコロコロ ’にんにく’。
First I noticed 'fresh green chili' and 'Japanese pepper fruit'. These are seasonal ingredients. Fresh green aroma and spicy flavor will make appetizing. Also I got healthy rounded garlic from friend Yuri's mom,
こういうことが、旦那さまへのアピールにもつながります。これ見よがしにボトルを並べておいて。。 「アスちゃん、工夫しながら一生懸命ごはん作ってくれてるなぁ~」よし、優しくしてあげなくちゃっっ。。と思わせればしめたものです。
I decided to make soy-sauce pickles with them since we can enjoy longer.
Just put in soy-sauce so it is not a difficult recipe.....But, such things can appeal to husbands. Show off and set out the bottles. It will be perfect if we make him (husband) think 'How, she is trying to make many kinds of efforts for cooking and to be a good wife! so I want to be nicer to her!
The trick is remembering to keep making faces which is like you are doing a big project even though you are only putting soy-sauce in the bottles.
山椒醤油:山椒の実を5分ほど塩茹でしたら、冷水にとって30分ほど置いておく。水をよ~くきって、瓶に醤油と一緒に漬けこむ :1カ月ほど待つ
Japanese pepper soy-sauce : Boil them for 5 min with a pinch of salt then rinse them immediately in cold water. After drying out, soak with soy-sauce in a bottle. : about 1 month wait.
青唐辛子醤油:醤油・酒:・酢(大体5:3:2位)を鍋で沸騰させて、火をとめる。 ボトルに唐辛子を入れて、先ほどの醤油たれを注いでできあがり 2~3週間くらい待つかな
Green peppers soy-sauce: Put soy-sauce, sake ( Japanese liquor), rice vinegar (about 5:3:2) together in a sauce-pan and boil them. Turn off the heat. Put chopped green peppers and the sauce in a jar. :2-3wks wait.
にんにくバジル醤油:にんにく、バジルの葉、赤とうがらし、醤油とボトルにいれてできあがり。1カ月以上位待つ こちらは醤油に香がついたら、角切りトマトとの相性バッチリ
Garlic-basil- soy-sauce: Put garlic, fresh basil leaves, red dried peppers. soy-sauce in a jar. : wait about 1 month or more. This sauce is very good with cut tomatoes.冷たいお豆腐に、ひやむぎ、冷たいパスタ、サラダドレッシング、etc 大活躍してくれそうです!!
These sauces can be put on cold tofu, with cold Japanese vermicelli, on cold pasta, on salad as dressing...etc . Useful soy-sauce stocks!!
ラベル: vegetarian cooking