
We had a warm nice spring breeze today. It might be burdock root season is finishing soon.

I made burdock root steamed rice with cumin spice which I found in my kitchen. I will miss this recipe while out of the season.

I have made this recipe before, referencing a vegetable cookbook we like so much. This time I add some of our favorite things a little bit.

●材料: 2~3人分 Ingredients for 2,3 people.
ごぼう(ささがき)1/2本 Half of burdock root. 1inch sliced.  
にんにく1片(刻む) Chopped garlic, 1clove.
クミンシード 適量 Cumin seeds
塩 適量 Salt
油 Oil
米(我が家は玄米)2合uncooked rice 2cups
ナッツ(好みで。ピーナッツとか刻んでおく) Nuts (peanuts or whatever you like, chopped)
青菜・野菜 (ワサビ菜・パプリカ・レタス・香菜等) Green leaves (lettuce or cilantro, bell-pepper)

 Wash rice. (Better to soak in water at least 1 hour, if you use brown rice)

2. フライパンに油をひいて、クミンシードから香ばしい良い香がしてくるまで弱火にかける(焦がさないように注意!) 
 Put oil in a frying-pan and add cumin seeds at a low-heat. Fry until the cumin seed smell good with nice spicy flavor. (Note! It is easy to burn, so don't take your eyes off of it)

Add garlic and burdock roots then fry well. Finish with salt seasoning. (You might want to think about the amount of salt for rice)

4.お米と3を炊飯器に入れ、水は普通の量で炊く。 (玄米の場合はほんの少し水を多めにしても良いかも) 
Set rice and (3) in a rice cooker and start to cook them together with normal amount of water for the rice. (You can add a little bit of water more than usual if you use brown rice)

5.盛り付けに刻んだナッツ類のせ、冷蔵庫にあったワサビ菜と一緒にいただきました。(本では香菜を使用) 青菜で包みながら食べるのがオススメ。生野菜を添えて。
Put on a dish then after cooked sprinkle chopped nuts on top. I had with wasabina leaves which I had in the refrigerator. (The book says good with cilantro, too) I like eat them wrapped in green leaves.

クミンと一緒にカレーパウダーとかも良いですね。 ゴボウは美味しいダシがでる☆ 
Or you might like to use curry powder with cumin seeds. The burdock root has good flavor by frying well.


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