
★Thanks Happy Birthday

ハッとすると、疲れた顔をしていないか気になる時もあります。 疲れているというよりは、楽しんでいたり、学んでいるという実感が強いです。 

I've been having busy days for preparation for my shop. It is like a physical capacity challenge? or a race against time?
Sometimes I'm frightened to think about if I have a tired look. But actually I feel that I'm enjoying and learning more than exhausted.

But, it was my husband's birthday the other day. I felt very sorry for him because I couldn't do anything because of my situation now. And he says " you don't have to worry" because he understands that I'm busy getting prepared for the shop.

そんな中、兄をはじめ、くろちゃん、両親が誕生日パーティーを開いてくれました。 プレゼントまで用意してくれて。。。 私がしてあげられなかった分、本当にありがたかった。 なぜか私の方がウルウルしてしまった。 もちろん旦那さまも大喜び。 家族が支えてくれてました。 
In this situation, my brother, Kuro-chan, and my parents planned a birthday party for my husband!! There were presents, too. I was so pleased since I couldn't do anything. I almost cried even though it was my husband's birthday party. Of-course he also seems happy. I was supported by family.

Thank you very very much!!

We sang together at the restaurant and in the car on the way home. I think everyone has no ear for music.

This is the first appearance of my dad and happy husband and my brother.


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