
★Thank you for HANNA opening

ついついブログが更新できずにいました。 はい、風邪はこじらせずに済みました。
I couldn't update the blog for a while. Catching a cold? No, it wasn't so bad.

ご報告。26日、大変お騒がせいたしました、ギャラリーHANNA~絆和~の初の企画展が無事終了することができました。 無事・・どころか、盛況のお言葉を沢山いただけました。 
I'm happy to tell you that finally the opening exhibition of Gallery HANNA was done-and-dusted on 26th. I got many encounters and words of success which could say even though I could make it.

本当に、ほんとうに嬉しかった。有難かった。 終わって、店を閉じた後、涙がこぼれた。 
I was deeply pleased. Thankful. After I closed the gallery on the final day, the tears rolled from my eyes.

周囲の人への思いと、心からの報告だった。 「無事、終了できました」 
Why was that?...
It was for my self.
Though about people around me and supported. And although thinking about to report to them "I could do successfully thanks to you."

今回、本当に沢山の方が訪れて来てくれた。 忙しい中、合間をみて訪れて来てくれた友人達。新聞やとちぎテレビを見たり、ラジオを聞いた人。 
This time, I really got many visitors. Friends who visited me even though I know they are so busy. Also, people came because they saw the newspapers, local TV show and radio.
Moreover, that was heartening me a lot who knew me before.

People know when I am depressed, and crying before. But finally I could open my door of this. because of their encouragement cheer,and smile.

Looking back, I think there were anything no wasted.
What I experienced, and thought are of great use and needed for to glow my self to be a person understand hearts.

Now it will be start to learn from now, too.
It will be tough way.
I will brace myself for it.

But, what is most important is to enjoy my self, that is can make fun and happy around people.

The cherry blossom tree branches which I displayed on the corner of the gallery are in full bloom beautifully at the end even though swelling with buds at beginning of the exhibition.


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