
Today, I went to my mum's gallery to set up the next exhibition from tomorrow "Kumagai Youko and Kasai Keiko collection" at Chez Keiko. I could say that most are costumers of Chez Keiko, so they know these two artists. So they have firm favorite.

さすがです。 皆で一生懸命並べるのですが、そのうち自分達で鏡で合わせ始めて、この色素敵!だとかこれイイ!とかはじまる。。 そしてすぐ休憩。 母ケイコが一番働キマセン。。。

Today was cold rain day, but when we started setting up their works, the room became a joyous and pleasant place with colorful warm homespun knits and sensitive designs by Kasai magic clothes. Just what I expected!! We started to work on setting up, but then we started to put the clothes on our self and looking at a mirror and say which is nice or good color for each other. So, start chatting then have rest soon. I think my mum doesn't work hard...

The first day of the exhibition is tomorrow, there is also Cuban dance show from 13 o'clock.

こちらは、私が去年購入したクマガイさんのニットワンピ。色も気に入っていますが、暖かいので大活躍しです。 今年もブルーの綺麗色も沢山ありました。
This is I got this knit skirt last year from Kumagai Youko. I like the color and it's nice and warm so being very useful! There are a lot of beautiful blue color knits for this year, too.

クマガイ ヨウコ 笠井けい子展 at シェイ・ケイコ 
Kumagai Youko &Kasai Keiko collection at Chez Keiko
2011.11.12(Sat) - 2011.11.21 (Sun)


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