

On 2nd day of FFF(Fine Field Festival), we had a live flamenco show, and this was so special because people could see for free for introducing the class in Yujitsu. I was glad to see that some audience members were moved to tears and they were so excited.

東京のフラメンコダンサー、テラさんを始め、披露してくれた一人には栃木教室のさぎりさん。 母のフラメンコ友達です。(母の趣味の一つにフラメンコがあります。)
Flamenco dancer Tera and another lady from Tokyo and my friend Sagiri and other lady from Tochigi. Sagiri is my mum's flamenco friends. (One of my mum's hobbies is flamenco dance)

実は2009年の私のウェディングパーティー。母へのサプライズプレゼントで、内緒でさぎりさん達にフラメンコを教わり、猛特訓。。 こちらはウェディングの時の写真。当日に、母と皆の前で披露し、母と一緒に踊りました。母が驚いたのか、喜んで泣きながら一緒に踊ってくれたのが印象的でした。
Actually, on my wedding reception in 2009, I showed my flamenco dance in front of my mum and guests and danced with her, too. This is the picture. This was my surprise present for mum so I asked to Sagiri to teach flamenco and we did special training. Mum was so surprised and we danced together and she was crying, that was an impressive time.
Now? I've forgotten all, haha! Yes I only remember that I was enjoying.

The flamenco dance depictions re full of glamorous, passionate, and deep emotion with arms and feet. It was wonderful.

Sagiri has flamenco class with the teacher Tera from Tokyo every month at Yuiitsu.


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