
日光の続きを。Continuing the tour of Nikko.

昼食をとった後は、日光霧降高原チロリン村へ。実はこの場所も初めて。。 テラステーブルはお客さまでいっぱい。 みなさん、何がお目当てか・・・というと、’天然かき氷
おどろくボリュームだけど、パクパクいけちゃいました。 地元日光産のブルーベリーのソース。
氷がさらっとしていて、頭がきーーんとしない。天然かき氷ってこんなに美味しいの?!っっていう感じでした。 チロリン村のオーナーさん。以前お会いしたことあったのでお顔存じていました。
お客様で忙しいのもありましたが、何気に出て来て、テーブルをサッと拭いて、お客さまに「ありがとうございました」っとお声掛け。 オーナーさんなのに、この何気ない身のこなし。 なんだかあたたかい人柄を感じました。だからかな、他スタッフの方が、忙しそうにしているのに、みなさんイキイキしていて、明るい雰囲気。 レジャーパークはこうでなくっちゃ。次回は4輪バギー乗りたいな。
After lunch, we visited Nikko Kirifuri ko-gen Chrorin-mura (activity leisure park). This is the first visit for me. There were many customers at the terrace tables. They are going for 'Tennen kakigoori' bowls of shaved ice with syrup. The ice is natural. I had one which was surprising volume but finished easily. Because of delicious sauce made with blueberries although the ice is shaved and tasty and I didn't get an ice cream-headache. How yummy the shaved natural ice is!!! I saw the owner of Chirorin-mura. I have met him before so I knew his face. Maybe because it was crowded but he came out to the floor then started to clean up tables and talk to customers cheerfully saying 'Thank you ♪ '. I felt his warm quality from that bearing. I think that is why all the staff are lively and the atmosphere is bright even though it seems like they are busy. That's the way the activity leisure park should be. umm I want to try 4-wheel buggy driving next time!

ツアー最終は大笹牧場へ。のんびりした景色を楽しんで、濃厚ソフトクリ―ム食べてきました。(はい、お腹パンパン) 帰り際、駐車場の向こうにある東屋は・・・ 「動物にふれた手はよく洗ってください」の看板の上に猿がこしかけてた。。3匹以上はいる。怖くて近づけなかった。
After that, we went to Oosasa bokujou (Ranch park) for the final of the tour. I had rich tasting milk ice cream. (Yes. my tummy was full!) . I saw a shady bower at the far side of the parking lot. A monkey was sitting on the sign saying 'Wash your hands well after touching animals'... There were 3 monkeys. I was afraid to touch them.
The tour was closing with my feeling that we enjoyed Japanese heritage, professional pride to work and nature. I am thankful to friends who took me to hang out. It was like a school trip since we were chatting and excited even in the car.


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