
★Power lunch パワーランチ

The other day I went to the my favorite Japanese restaurant 'Yasuhiro no Hatake'.

We were completely ignoring to chat even though it was a girls' lunch.

今月のお料理は「葉月」 お~っと、こちらのガラスの板皿は益子の陶板作家、藤原郁三さんのガラスの器ですね☆
We just saying 'wow and aah' squeals for joy, because of the colorful, neat dishes, delicious taste, and freshness of ingredients. The menu was 'Hazuki' for this month. The glass plate dish, I know that is the work of Mashiko's Ikuzo Fujiwara.
Every time when I go there, I can enjoy flavors and dishes arranged with the best use of inventiveness and thought to seasonal materials and care for sensitivity of Japanese food.

A young couple runs this restaurant. Their courteous explanation of menus and quietness of manners are representative of their cooking. I can feel that they serve each table with sincerity. I like them!!
そしたら翌週、別のお友達のテラちゃんが私を’パワーランチ’に誘ってくれました。 こういう気持ち、繋がっているんですね。 さて、次はだれに’パワー’を繋げていこうかな。
Is was a lunch I took my friend to because I wanted her to raise her spirits and chin-up since she has been working hard recently, but seems like I got a chin up myself, too. Next week, another friend Tera-chan invited me to go out for 'power lunch' with me. Such emotions have been connected and communicated around people. So who shall I give the 'power' to next!?

や すひろの畑 Yasuhiro no hatake



TEL 028-624-7696

昼 11:30~15:00 ( L.O.14:00)

康ランチ ¥1700

宏ランチ ¥2300

夜 18:00~22:00 (L.O. 21:00)


定休日 毎週日曜日,第3土曜日


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