
★Cleaning power 掃除のちから

One of my friends Atsuko has started cleaning up to put her belongings in order. I knew that she likes cleaning up originally, but this time, she is taking a long time for clothes which hasn't been worn for awhile, and papers such as receipts or details of cards and documents, too.

It does make me interested, so I borrowed books from Atsuko.
What was inside is...
・Luck will improve if you clean up.
・It makes you feel free or light after taking out extra.
・It can be the first step for your dream.
・Specially, when you feel stuck in your life, it will be good to have a habit to cleaning up your house, you can turn things around in your life...etc.

and other fortunate things.

Also, one book says 'Cleaning the toilet everyday appreciatively. Actually this, my mum does that kind of thing since some years ago.

I am not a serious cleaning person but I do when I have time during the weekend.

確かに・・あらゆる引き出しには、カードの詳細用紙や電話やガソリンの明細、保険の書類、あらゆる参考資料 etc
True.... There are detailed cards, phone bills, gas and insurances letters. Many of these documents,etc, are in many of drawers.
I ignore the kitchen drawers even though I want to organize them well. Now, I decided I will do! (sometime soon!) Yes, we can!

I think that it is good to try to add 1 action for daily work.
For example, splash cold water in the bath room before get out of the bathroom, it interfere with the reproduction of mold because of cool down and doesn't leave soap foam around.

このお掃除の本、読んだだけでも「よし!お掃除しよう」とテンションがあがります。 オススメです!
Book about cleaning! it makes high tension for 'Let's do it'. I like it.


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